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"Smoking" Tips from Chef Kyle - Part 2

Smoking on the Grill 2

Smoking is a great way to add flavor to anything you are grilling.

• I prefer to begin the meat or fish with a dry rub from a combo of a variety of seasonings – brown sugar, chili, cumin, garlic, onion or mustard for about hour.

• Save the sauce till the middle or end. Use the wood for flavor and the sauces for accompaniment.

• When smoking vegetables, hold off on adding marinade or oil till after. This avoids stirring up the fire that leads to burning. In the end you have vegetables you can taste not just the marinade.

• Smoke your corn in the husk.

• If you want to add quick grill marks on your vegetables, do so after smoking.

• When making your sauce, counteract or compliment the smoke with some sweet - molasses, brown sugar, honey, flavored bourbon or rums.

• If you want a smoky sauce, smoke the onions, tomatoes or garlic ahead of time.

• Try smoking your dessert! Plantains, apples and peaches work great. Serve with crème anglaise or a scoop of vanilla ice cream at your backyard BBQ.


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